I will be there



I will be there

How wonderful, Lord, is Your beautiful name;
The King of creation, all heaven proclaims
a mystery so deep and a treasure so rare.
Your name is ‘I am’ and ‘I will be there.’

A rainbow that shines for the promise you give
of love always faithful as long as I live,
through joy and through sorrow, through laughter and tears,
my rock and my refuge, through all the years.


My hope for the future is certain, I know.
You stand by me Jesus; You never let go.
When heaven awaits me I kneel at Your throne.
You welcome me Jesus, You take me home.


‘I am who I am’ is Your glorious name,
eternal and faithful, forever the same,
the Alpha, Omega, beyond all compare.
Your name is ‘I am’ and ‘I will be there.’


Oh name of all names, Lord, to You be the praise,
our God, everlasting, the ancient of days.
No pow’r on this earth or in heaven above
can set me apart from Your endless love.



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